The text, photographs, illustrations, logos, names and videos on this website (hereinafter referred to as “content”) are protected by national and international intellectual property rights and copyrights. All rights, titles and interests on the content belong to the RMC of La Matapédia. Any copying, republishing, reproduction, distribution, release, making available to the public, and total or partial modification of the content of this website is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the owners and without mentioning the source.

The photos used on are 100% Matapedian and are the result of our collaboration with several local photographers.

We would like to thank: 

Kim Corbeil
Zone Blanche Photo

Roxanne d'Astous
Roxanne d'Astous photographie

Karine Ouellet
KoOl photographies

Marilou Thériault
Marilou Thériault photographe

Geneviève Gagné
Geneviève Gagné Photographe

Jean-Christophe Girard-Lemay
JcLemay Photos